Wageningen's international student dance association with a diversity of dance styles
The student dance factory
Sharing our passion for dance
The SDF brings new elements of sports for students in Wageningen, namely open style and contemporary dance. For experienced dancers, dance becomes a part of one’s lifestyle. Coming to Wageningen, it can be quite hard to fit this into their new lifestyle. The SDF provides such an opportunity for students to dance in different styles. The SDF also offers students an opportunity to join a competitive dance crew at an advanced level. Later they will also be able to teach others. This may complement or even complete the student lives of many students interested and passionate about dance.
What do we offer?
Open Style
Open Style was previously referred to as urban but as urban can be seen as a negative word and is associated with discrimination we have chosen to now use the term Open Style. This term is used to honour the heritage of each specific style that is taught and as it can be a bit vague, the idea is that choreographers explain what style they teach and where they take inspiration from during the class.
Contemporary dance
Contemporary is a dance style merged out of ballet and modern dance. Technique is really important in this style and requires a lot of training. Developing new moves, creating new dynamics and expanding the boundaries of dance were the central ideas for the development of this style. It is a lyrical way of dancing and often includes floorwork.
Wageningen Dance Collective
Wageningen Dance Collective is the selection team of The Student Dance Factory. WDC consists of 20 dancers who are more experienced or advanced. They perform and participate in dance competitions. To join Wageningen Dance Collective you have to do auditions. Both Open style and Contemporary are given in WDC trainings.